速報APP / 生活品味 / Palli (lizard) Vizhum Palangal

Palli (lizard) Vizhum Palangal





版本需求:Android 4.0.3 以上版本



Palli (lizard) Vizhum Palangal(圖1)-速報App

Lizard Astrology (Palli Dosha shastram / Gowli Pathana Shastram / Palli Vizhum Palangal-Tamil) is a part of Hindu Astrology which tells the effects of lizard falling on body parts of men and women. Most of the Hindus believe in it.

Palli (lizard) Vizhum Palangal(圖2)-速報App

The movement and the falling of the wall lizard finds special mention in the Gowli Shastra.

Palli (lizard) Vizhum Palangal(圖3)-速報App

The falling of the lizard on different parts of the human body has different significance and it predicts certain future events as well.

Palli (lizard) Vizhum Palangal(圖4)-速報App

The effects of the lizard falling for men and women are different as per the shastra.

Palli (lizard) Vizhum Palangal(圖5)-速報App


Palli (lizard) Vizhum Palangal(圖6)-速報App

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